How Much Does Eyelid Surgery Cost?
As people age, their eyelids sag and cause them to look permanently tired, sad, or stressed. People who feel unhappy with this development undergo blepharoplasty, which is the medical name for eyelid surgery, to help turn back the hands of time. The popularity of this procedure is secondary only to liposuction. Having eyelid surgery can help to resolve the following issues:
- Sagging and loose skin that interferes with the natural contour of the upper eyelid or creates folds that can interfere with vision.
- Fine wrinkles and excess skin present on the lower eyelids.
- Puffiness in the eyelids caused by excess fatty deposits.
- Lower eyelid drooping that reveals the whites of the eyes located below the iris.
- Bagginess under the eyes.
Because it is usually done for cosmetic purposes, insurance companies don’t cover the cost of blepharoplasty. The one exception is when the problem of loose or sagging skin has a negative effect on vision. This leaves patients wondering how much the procedure costs and whether they can afford it.
What Happen During Eyelid Surgery?
The typical eyelid surgery lasts from one to three hours, depending on whether the patient has work performed on one or both eyes. During the procedure, the plastic surgeon makes numerous incisions that follow the eyelid’s natural lines and contours. The placement of the incisions is intentional in order to minimize scarring. The lights scars from blepharoplasty are usually not visible because they are located in natural creases and folds of the skin. For patients who are bothered by the appearance of frown lines and crow’s feet, the surgeon can extend the incision to include these areas as well.
Once the incisions are made, the plastic surgeon removes sagging skin and excess fat in addition to separating the underlying tissue from the skin. The final step is to close the incisions using extremely fine sutures. Recovery from eyelid surgery is normally complete within several days. In the meantime, patients should wear sunglasses when going outdoors, regularly apply ointment to the treated area, and follow all post-operative instructions given by the plastic surgeon.
Typical Costs Associated with Eyelid Surgery
The American Academy of Facial and Plastic Reconstructive Surgery lists a nationwide average of $3,582 for this procedure. This includes the midpoint amount for patients who had the procedure performed on one or both eyes as well as those having it performed on the upper and lower eyelids. The following items are typically included in the cost of eyelid surgery:
- Surgeon fee
- Facility fee
- Anesthesia
- Medications
- Surgical supplies
When blepharoplasty is performed only on the lower lids of the eye, the average cost runs closer to $2,500. The amount increases to around $4,000 for both the upper and lower eyelids. Patients who must pay for the procedure out-of-pocket have a number of payment options available to them, including cash, check, major credit card, and Care Credit.
Eyelid Surgery and Insurance Issues
As mentioned above, eyelid surgery is not covered by insurance when it is completed for purely cosmetic reasons. However, insurers should cover at least a portion of the cost for correction of eyelid ptosis. This is the medical term for drooping eyelids. Patients should check with their insurance provider before undergoing any surgical procedure, even if they assume that it is not covered.
Save Money by Scheduling Eyelid Surgery at the Same Time as Other Procedures
Some patients opt to have several plastic surgery procedures completed at the same time. It is common for people to undergo blepharoplasty at the same time as Botox, a chemical peel, facelift, or another popular surgical or non-surgical cosmetic enhancement. This can save money because patients only have to pay the surgeon and anesthesia fee once instead of multiple times. Patients who are interested in this approach need to get approval from a plastic surgeon before undergoing any procedure.
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